K-12 Education
DCDC partners with educators to develop and present material relating to DCDC research to deliver Advanced Water Education Workshops each summer on a variety of topics.
Working in cooperation with the University of Arizona’s extensive water-education programs, Arizona Project WET, Water Resources Research Center, and Maricopa County Cooperative Extension, K-12 teachers explore themes through activities and presentations from ASU and U of A researchers and local municipal and state experts.
We continue to share DCDC research and products by delivering learning modules directly to students. These projects include WaterSim curriculum and an Urban Heat Island Module created in collaboration with an engineering education program and funded by an NSF-ITEST grant.

2015 Advanced Water Education Workshop, July 7-8, 2015: Extreme Weather Events
Join us to enhance your knowledge of how city planners, scientists, engineers and water managers plan for and collect data about extreme events. Through this workshop you will:- Learn how city planners design systems to manage urban runoff
- Use storm water data to determine the impact of various rain events in metro Phoenix
- Understand the formation and development of both dry and wet storms in Southern Arizona
- Analyze particulate data to determine whether dust storms are becoming more frequent in Arizona
- Explore health issues associated with extreme weather events in Arizona
Workshop Materials

- 2015 Advanced Water Education Workshop Agenda | Speaker Bios | Flyer
- 2015 Advanced Water Education Presentations
- Introductions – Monica Elser, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability and Kerry Schwartz, Project WET presentation
- Let’s Talk About the Monsoon with a Meteorologist – Paul Iñiguez, Science and Operations Office, NOAA/NWS Phoenix presentation
- Southwest Climate Change Projections – Increasing Extreme Weather Events? – Jeremy Weiss, Climate and Geospatial Extension Scientist, School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Arizona presentation
- Activity: Rainfall Impacts on an Urban Stream – Jessica Guo, graduate student in ASU’s School of Life Sciences Extreme Events Lesson and presentation.
- Post Wildfire Debris Flows – Mike Conway, Chief of the Geologic Extension Service of the Arizona Geological Survey presentation
- Cultivating Green Infrastructure-Growing a Resilient Phoenix – Joel Carrasco, Village Planner, Planning and Development Department, City of Phoenix presentation
- Heat in Cities: What It Means for Human Health – David Hondula, ASU Center for Policy Informatics, College of Public Service and Community Solutions presentation
- Dust and Valley Fever – Joe Tabor, Community, Environment and Policy, School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Arizona presentation

2014 Advanced Water Education Workshop, July 15-16, 2014: Using Technology to Better Understand our World
Join us to enhance your knowledge about how scientists, engineers, and water managers use technology to gather and analyze data resulting in more efficient water use in the Valley of the Sun.
After completing this workshop you will:
- Use the new WaterSim modeling lesson to simulate real-world scenarios to manage the Phoenix-area water system with a goal toward sustainability.
- Learn about new technologies used to analyze water demand in the Phoenix area.
- Have a means to engage your students in dealing with uncertainty in models and predictions alike.
- Be equipped to use simple technology in your classroom to collect and analyze data with your students.
- Use on-line tools for teaching about water sustainability. Explore these and other themes as you meet researchers from ASU and U of A, local water and science experts, and adapt materials to enhance your current water education programs.
Workshop Materials
- 2014 Advanced Water Educator Agenda | Speaker Bios | Flyer
- 2014 Advanced Water Educator Presentations
- Introductions – Monica Elser – Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability presentation
- Using Water Footprints and Linking to Citizen Science – Dara Wald, post-doctoral fellow, Center for Policy Informatics, ASU and Victoria Gutierrez, ASU Undergraduate Research Assistant
- Using Technology for Water Management – Adam Miller, Planner III and Jamie Campbell, Planner II – Water Resources, Water Services Department, City of Phoenix presentation
- WaterSim Overview, Activity and Assessment – Ray Quay and David Sampson, DCDC presentation
- Connecting Conservation and Community Action: The Conserve2Enhance Dashboard – Candice Rupprecht, Coordinator, Applied Programs, UA Water Resources Research Center presentation
- Bureau of Reclamation Planning Processes – Mary Reece, Manager of Program Development Division, Bureau of Reclamation presentation
2013 Advanced Water Educator Workshop, July 10-11, 2013: Using Models to Simplify the Complex Interactions of Water in the Valley
In conjunction with Arizona Project WET, the Water Sustainability Program, and UA’s Water Resources Research Center, DCDC hosted 35 teachers at the eighth annual workshop. The theme of this year’s workshop is, “Using Models to Simplify the Complex Interactions of Water in the Valley.”
Join us to enhance your knowledge about how scientists and engineers develop and use models to solve problems and ask questions about water in the city. After completing this workshop you will understand how:
- models are used to explain phenomena, analyze systems, and solve problems
- decision-makers deal with uncertainty in models
- modeling is an iterative process
- to use modeling in your classroom
Explore these and other themes as you meet researchers from ASU and U of A, local water and science experts, and adapt materials to enhance your current water education programs
Workshop Materials
- 2013 Advanced Water Educator Agenda | Speaker Bios | Flyer
- 2013 Advanced Water Educator Presentations
- An Introduction to Global Climate Modeling – Dr. Mike Crimmins, Associate Specialist Arizona Cooperative Extension, U of A presentation
- Chain Reaction Issue 7
- Modeling Surface Water – Groundwater Interaction – Dr. Jim Leenhouts, Acting Director, United States Geological Survey, Arizona Water Science Center presentation
- Managing CAP’s water system using models – Dr. Mohammed Mahmoud, PhD Resource Planning Analyst, Central Arizona Project presentation
- Developing Water Sim – Dr. David Sampson, Decision Center for a Desert City, ASU presentation
- Water Sim on Web: Future Options – Dr. Ray Quay, Decision Center for a Desert City, ASU [presentation]
- How do people deal with uncertainty in models? – Dr. Dave White, co-Director, Decision Center for a Desert City, ASU presentation
2012 Advanced Water Educator Workshop, July 18-19, 2012: Wetlands and Ecosystem Management
In conjunction with Arizona Project WET, the Water Sustainability Program, and UA’s Water Resources Research Center, DCDC hosted 35 teachers at the seventh annual workshop. The workshop enhanced educator knowledge of riparian systems, created wetlands and ecosystem management. Specific areas addressed as they related to this topic included:
- What are riparian system functions?
- What is the value of sustaining natural riparian systems?
- How are ecosystems managed?
- How do created wetlands and riparian systems fit into the water resources picture?
Workshop Materials
- 2012 Advanced Water Educator Agenda | Speaker Bios | Flyer
- 2012 Advanced Water Educator Presentations
- Applying Climate Change Scenarios to a Model of the Beaver Creek Watershed – Gretchen Hawkins DCDC Graduate Research Assistant, ASU School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
- Studying the Ecology of the Tres Rios Wetlands – Chris Sanchez, CAP LTER REU Student presentation
- Groundwater Flow Model Presentation
- Part 1 of San Pedro Connection from Arizona Conserve Water Educators’ Guide
- Structure and Function of Ephemeral Urban Waterways in a Semi-arid Region – Erika Liliana Gallo, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona presentation
- River Restoration in the 21st Century – Daniel Bunting, UA Alumni, Consultant, World Wildlife Fund presentation
- River and People: Maintaining Nature’s Benefits Environmental Flow Science, Opportunities and Barriers – Jeanmarie Haney, Scientist, The Nature Conservancy presentation
- Part 2 of San Pedro Connection from Arizona Conserve Water Educators’ Guide
2011 Advanced Water Educator Workshop, June 28-29, 2011: Public Perception of Water Issues
The sixth annual workshop focused on public perception of water issues covering five main topics:
- psychological underpinnings of (un)sustainable behaviors
- gauging public perception
- consumer responsibility
- cross-cultural perspectives on water quality and equity
- learning progressions for water education
Workshop Materials
- 2011 Advanced Water Educator Workshop Agenda | Speaker Bios
- 2011 Advanced Water Educator Workshop Presentations
- Psychological Underpinnings of (Un)Sustainable Behaviors
- Gauging Public Perception
- Consumer Responsibility: what does it mean and who’s in charge
- Interactive Session on Learning Progressions for Water
- Making Research Real Through Exhibitions: Links to the water exhibit and making the movie.
- In All Fairness: Cross-cultural Perspectives on Water Quality and Equity
Susan Ledlow, PhD, DCDC Research Scientist, School of Sustainability, Arizona State University
Channah Rock, PhD, Water Quality Specialist, The University of Arizona, Cooperative Extension
Sabrina Helm, PhD, Co-director Consumers Environment Sustainability Initiative (CESI), The University of Arizona
Kristin Gunckel, PhD, Assistant Professor, Teaching/Learning and Sociocultural Studies, The University of Arizona
Judy Newland, Academic Professor, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University
Meredith Gartin, Graduate Student and Amber Wutich, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University