Buckminster Fuller Institute — Socially-Responsible Design Challenge Seeks Innovations that Solve the World’s Most Pressing Needs – not announced yet for 2018

Date Due: 03/01/17

Amount: $100,000

Summary: Recognized as “Socially-Responsible Design’s Highest Award”, the Fuller Challenge invites activists, architects, artists, designers, entrepreneurs, scientists, students and planners from all over the world to submit their innovative solutions to some of humanity’s most pressing problems… Winning the Fuller Challenge requires more than a stand-alone idea or innovation. BFI seeks whole-system solutions that demonstrate a clear grasp of the ‘big-picture’ and focus on a well-defined need of critical importance. If, for example, a proposal emphasizes a new design, material, process, service, tool, or technology, it is essential that it be part of an integrated strategy that simultaneously addresses key social, environmental, and economic factors.

Keywords: innovation, humanities

URL: https://bfi.org/challenge/about (email to express interest in the 2017 competition)


NSF-USDA Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water – not yet announced for 2018

Date Due: 03/06/17

Amount: $2,500,000

Summary: The overarching goal of INFEWS is to catalyze well-integrated interdisciplinary and convergent research to transform scientific understanding of the FEW nexus (integrating all three components rather than addressing them separately), in order to improve system function and management, address system stress, increase resilience, and ensure sustainability. The NSF INFEWS initiative is designed to attain the following goals:

  • Significantly advance our understanding of the food-energy-water system through quantitative, predictive and computational modeling, including support for relevant cyberinfrastructure;
  • Develop real-time, cyber-enabled interfaces that improve understanding of the behavior of FEW systems and increase decision support capability;
  • Enable research that will lead to innovative solutions to critical FEW systems problems; and
  • Grow the scientific workforce capable of studying and managing the FEW system, through education and other professional development opportunities.

The INFEWS call has 3 tracks (the 4th track from last year has been cancelled) (see the RFP for additional information):

  1. FEW System Modeling
  2. Visualization and Decision Support for Cyber-Human-Physical Systems at the FEW Nexus, and
  3. Research to Enable Innovative Solutions

Keywords: food, energy, water, cyber

Limitations: An individual PI, co-PI, senior personnel or consultant cannot be on more than two proposals, cannot be on more than one proposal per track, can be a lead PI on only one proposal.

Solicitation Number: NSF 17-530

URL: https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2017/nsf17530/nsf17530.htm  

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) – Policies for Action: Policy and Law Research to Build a Culture of Health – 2018 not announced yet

Date Due: 03/10/17 (dates for 2018 not announced yet)

Amount: $250,000

Summary: Policies for Action: Policy and Law Research to Build a Culture of Health (P4A) was created to help build the evidence base for policies that can help build a Culture of Health. P4A seeks to engage long-standing health care, mental and behavioral health, and public health researchers, as well as experts in areas that we recognize have strong influence on health, well-being and equity—such as labor, criminal justice, education, transportation, housing, and the built environment.

The research funded under this call for proposals (CFP) should help fill significant gaps in our knowledge about what policies can serve as positive drivers of change, including how the social determinants of health can be used to achieve improvements in population health, well-being, and equity. Additional information on this program can be found at policiesforaction.org.

Keywords: health

Notes: Submissions to this sponsor are managed by the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations. Please contact Connie Eggert (Connie.Eggert@asu.edu) or Jessica Otten (Jessica.Otten@asu.edu) for guidance.

~ Amount is $250,000 for up to 24 months. $500,000 will be awarded for research on the Implementation and/or impact of early childhood.

~ Date due is 03/10/17 (brief proposal deadline); 06/16/17 (submission of invited full proposal)

URL: http://www.rwjf.org/en/library/funding-opportunities/2017/policies-for-action–policy-and-law-research-to-build-a-culture-.html?rid=9utihaX4Jray4gDXuZ9yXS1dJ4qR3hrf&et_cid=789499


NEH – Fellowships

Date Due: 04/11/18

Amount: $50,400 over 12 months max

Summary: Fellowships support individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both. Recipients usually produce articles, monographs, books, digital materials, archaeological site reports, translations, editions, or other scholarly resources in the humanities. Projects may be at any stage of development.

Keywords: Humanities, research

~Amount is $4,200 per month for 6 to 12 months, max $50,400 over 12 months

URL: http://www.neh.gov/grants/research/fellowships

NEH – Humanities Access Grants

Date Due: 05/02/18

Amount: $100,000

Summary: Humanities Access grants help support capacity building for humanities programs that benefit one or more of the following groups: children, family, and young adults (defined to include those between ages 18 and 30).

Humanities Access grants provide funding for existing programs at institutions such as public libraries, local and regional museums, historical societies, community colleges, four-year colleges and universities, archival repositories, and other cultural organizations.

Programs supported by Humanities Access grants have included, for example

a young readers’ initiative sponsored by a state humanities council;

a “family conversations” program at a rural historical society connecting the area’s cultural and natural resources; and

internships for students at a liberal arts college to work in local cultural organizations during the summer.

Humanities Access Grants offer two years of match-based funding. All funds must be expended by the end of the grant period. Humanities Access grant funds should not be used to replace existing program funds. Instead, the grant should expand or enhance an existing exemplary humanities program.

Notes: Humanities Access Grants offer two years of match-based funding to be expended through a term endowment over the final three years of the five-year grant period. Humanities Access grant funds should not be used to replace existing program funds. Instead, the grant should expand or enhance an existing exemplary humanities program.

Keywords: humanities, community

~Updated guidelines will be posted at least two months in advance of the deadline.

URL: http://www.neh.gov/grants/challenge/humanities-access-grants


NEH – Digital Projects for the Public

Date Due: 06/06/18 (for projects beginning December 2018; updated guidelines will be posted at least two months in advance of the deadline)

Amount: $30,000 (Discovery), $100,000 (Prototyping), $400,000 (Production)

Summary: Digital Projects for the Public grants support projects that significantly contribute to the public’s engagement with the humanities. Digital platforms—such as websites, mobile applications and tours, interactive touch screens and kiosks, games, and virtual environments—can reach diverse audiences and bring the humanities to life for the American people. The program offers three levels of support for digital projects: grants for Discovery projects (early-stage planning work), Prototyping projects (proof-of-concept development work), and Production projects (end-stage production and distribution work). While projects can take many forms, shapes, and sizes, your request should be for an exclusively digital project or for a digital component of a larger project.

Keywords: humanities, innovation

~Amount is $30,000 (Discovery), $100,000 (Prototyping), $400,000 (Production)

~Due date will have updated guidelines posted at least two months in advance of this deadline

URL: http://www.neh.gov/grants/public/digital-projects-the-public


NSF – Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER)

Date Due: 7/18/18 for BIO, CISE, EHR, 3rd Wednesday in July annually thereafter; 7/19/18 for ENG, 3rd Thursday in July annually thereafter; 7/20/18 for GEO, MPS, SBE, 3rd Friday in July annually thereafter

Amount: $400,000 minimum over 5 years except BIO, ENG, PLR is $500,000 minimum over 5 years

Summary: This premier program emphasizes the importance the Foundation places on the early development of academic careers dedicated to stimulating the discovery process in which the excitement of research is enhanced by inspired teaching and enthusiastic learning. Effective integration of research and education generates a synergy in which the process of discovery stimulates learning, and assures that the findings and methods of research and education are quickly and effectively communicated in a broader context and to a larger audience. Successful Principal Investigators will propose creative, integrative and effective research and education plans, developed within the context of the mission, goals, and resources of their organizations, while building a firm foundation for a lifetime of contributions to research, education and their integration.

Integration of Research and Education – All CAREER proposals must have an integrated research and education plan at their core. NSF recognizes that there is no single approach to an integrated research and education plan, but encourages all applicants to think creatively about how their research will impact their education goals and, conversely, how their education activities will feed back into their research. These plans should reflect the proposer’s own disciplinary and educational interests and goals, as well as the needs and context of his or her organization. Because there may be different expectations within different disciplinary fields and/or different organizations, a wide range of research and education activities may be appropriate for the CAREER program.

Proposers are encouraged to communicate with the CAREER contact or cognizant Program Officer in the Division closest to their area of research to discuss the expectations and approaches that are most appropriate for that area (see http://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/career/contacts.jsp for a list of CAREER contacts by division).

Keywords: career, research, education

Notes: 400 awards are given per year!

Limitations: PI must:

  • submit only one CAREER proposal per year and only three all together;
  • have a doctoral degree in a field supported by NSF,
  • be in a tenure track position as an assistant professor,
  • be untenured at least until the October 1 following the deadline,
  • have not previously received a CAREER award

Solicitation number: 17-537

~Amount is $400,000 over 5 years except in BIO, ENG or PLR, which must be $500,000 over 5 years
~Date due is mid-late July

URL: https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2017/nsf17537/nsf17537.htm

NSF — Opportunities for Promoting Understanding through Synthesis (OPUS)

Date Due: 08/01/18

Amount: $125,000 -$200,000

Summary: All four clusters within the Division of Environmental Biology (Population and Community Ecology, Ecosystem Science, Evolutionary Processes, and Systematics and Biodiversity Science) encourage the submission of proposals aimed at synthesizing a body of related research projects conducted by a single individual or a group of investigators over an extended period. OPUS proposals will often be appropriately submitted in mid-to-late career, but will also be appropriate early enough in a career to produce unique, integrated insight useful both to the scientific community and to the development of the investigator’s future work. In cases where multiple scientists have worked collaboratively, an OPUS award will provide support for collaboration on a synthesis.

Keywords: environment, biology

Solicitation number: 14-559

~Amount is $125,000 to $200,000 per year over two years

~Due date is 8/1/18, annually thereafter


URL: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14559/nsf14559.htm


NSF — Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST)

Date Due: 09/05/17, 2nd Wednesday in August annually thereafter

Amount:up to $400,000 (Exploratory, up to 2 years), up to $1.2M (Strategies, up to 3 years), up to $2M (Successful Project Expansion and Dissemination, 3 to 5 years)

Summary: As the nation continues to expand the horizon of opportunities and possibilities through advances in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), the need for a more diverse and well-prepared STEM workforce is also expanding1. The challenge of preparing citizens for the expanding workforce and the changing workplace environments calls for new innovations in STEM education2. ITEST is a research and development program that supports projects to promote PreK-12 student interests and capacities to participate in the STEM and information and communications technology (ICT) workforce of the future. The ITEST program supports research on the design, development, implementation, and selective spread of innovative strategies for engaging students in technology-rich experiences that: (1) increase student awareness of STEM occupations; (2) motivate students to pursue appropriate education pathways to STEM occupations; or (3) develop disciplinary-based knowledge and practices, or promote critical thinking, reasoning skills, or communication skills needed for entering STEM workforce sectors. ITEST projects may adopt an interdisciplinary focus that includes multiple STEM disciplines, focus on a single discipline, or focus on one or more sub-disciplines. The ITEST program supports projects that provide evidence for factors, instructional designs, and practices in formal and informal learning environments that broaden participation of students from underrepresented groups in STEM fields and related education and workforce domains. Projects that actively engage business and industry partners to better ensure that PreK-12 experiences foster the knowledge and skill-sets needed for emerging STEM occupations are strongly encouraged.

Keywords: technology, innovation, engineering, STEM, education

Limitations: An individual may serve as the PI for no more than one ITEST proposal during any given funding period.

Solicitation number: 17-565

~Due date is 09/05/17, 2nd Wednesday in August annually thereafter

URL: https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2017/nsf17565/nsf17565.htm

NSF — Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Research Initiation Initiative (CRII)

Date Due: 08/08/18 2nd Wednesday in August annually thereafter

Amount: $175,000 for up to 2 years

Summary: CRII awards will be given to researchers to undertake exploratory investigations, to acquire and test preliminary data, develop collaborations within or across research disciplines, and/or develop new algorithms, approaches, and system designs/prototypes, which together or separately may lead to improved capacity to write successful proposals submitted to other programs in the future.

In preparing this proposal, PIs should refer to Section V.A for guidance about the organization of the proposal. PIs should be aware that reviewers will be asked to consider the following: 1) the appropriateness of the research objectives for the relatively short duration of the CRII award; 2) the potential of the research initiation activities to produce sufficient preliminary results to serve as the basis for future competitive research proposals; and 3) whether the activities are seen to be the necessary and critical steps for the PI to achieve research independence.

Keywords: engineering, information, interdisciplinary

Notes: Researchers from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.

Limitations: PI may submit one proposal per year and may not participate in more than two CRII competitions. These are early career awards. PI must be untenured or research faculty in their first three years in a primary academic position but not more than five years after completion of Ph.D.

Solicitation number: 16-565

~Amount is $175,000 for up to 2 years

~Due date is 08/09/17, 2nd Wednesday in August annually thereafter

URL: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2016/nsf16565/nsf16565.htm?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click