
NSF – Decision, Risk, and Management Sciences (DRMS)

Date Due: 01/18/18, annually thereater; 08/18/18, annually thereafter

Amount: Not Specified

Summary: The Decision, Risk and Management Sciences program supports scientific research directed at increasing the understanding and effectiveness of decision making by individuals, groups, organizations, and society. Disciplinary and interdisciplinary research, doctoral dissertation research improvement grants (DDRIGs), and workshops are funded in the areas of judgment and decision making; decision analysis and decision aids; risk analysis, perception, and communication; societal and public policy decision making; management science and organizational design. The program also supports small grants that are time-critical (Rapid Response Research – RAPID) and small grants that are high-risk and of a potentially transformative nature (Early-Concept Grants for Exploratory Research – EAGER).

Keywords: decision, resilience, interdisciplinary, student

Solicitation number: PD 98-1321

~Due date is 01/18/18, annually thereafter; 08/18/18, annually thereafter

URL: http://https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5423

NSF – Division of Environmental Biology (DEB)

Date Due: 01/23/18 (prelim); 08/02/18 (full, by invitation)

Amount: $200,000 (small)

Summary: DEB supports fundamental research on populations, species, communities, and ecosystems with emphases across evolutionary and ecological patterns and processes at all spatial and temporal scales. Areas of research include biodiversity, phylogenetic systematics, molecular evolution, life history evolution, natural selection, ecology, biogeography, ecosystem structure, function and services, conservation biology, global change, and biogeochemical cycles.

Keywords: biology, environment, biodiversity

Solicitation number: 17-512

~Amount is small grants: <$200,000; larger grants see REU or LTREB

~Due date is 01/23/18 (preliminary, required) annually thereafter; 08/02/18 (full, by invitation) annually thereafter

URL: https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2017/nsf17512/nsf17512.htm

NSF– Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS)

(IOS)Date Due: 01/19/18 (preliminary); 08/03/18 (full, by invitation)

Amount: $3,000,000, average around $250,000

Summary: The Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS) supports research aimed at understanding why organisms are structured the way they are and function as they do. Proposals should focus on organisms as a fundamental unit of biological organization. Principal Investigators (PIs) are encouraged to apply systems approaches that will lead to conceptual and theoretical insights and predictions about emergent organismal properties. Areas of inquiry include, but are not limited to, developmental biology and the evolution of developmental processes, nervous system development, structure, and function, physiological processes, functional morphology, symbioses, interactions of organisms with biotic and abiotic environments, and animal behavior. Proposals are welcomed in all of the core scientific program areas supported by the Division of Integrative Organismal Systems. All investigator-initiated proposals submitted to this solicitation must be invited based on merit review of preliminary proposals.

Keywords: biology

Limitations: No more than two preliminary proposals as PI or Co-PI per year.

Solicitation number: 17-508

~Amount is EDGE: $3,000,000 for up to three years

URL: https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2017/nsf17508/nsf17508.htm