Search Results
Long-term monitoring of floodwater chemistry in Sycamore Creek, Arizona, USA (2010-2020)
Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; John Sabo, Arizona State University; Sophia Bonjour, Arizona State University; Xiaoli Dong, University of California, Davis; Amalia Handler, USEPA National Health and Environmental Effects; Kathrine Kemmitt, Wenck; Marina Lauck, Arizona State University; Monica Palta, Pace University; Lindsey Pollard, Arizona State University
Land-cover mapping of the central Arizona region based on 2015 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery
Yujia Zhang, Arizona State University; Billie Turner II, Arizona State University
Nitrogen cycling in accidental urban wetlands in the Salt River (central Arizona, USA): the effects of season, inundation and plants on denitrification (2013-2014)
Amanda Suchy, City University of New York- Advanced Science Research Center
Morphological and nutritional characteristics of Gambel's Quail, Callipepla gambelii, in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, Arizona (July-September 2015)
Alexander Funk, Arizona State University; Karen Sweazea, Arizona State University
Determinative factors of denitrification in a urban, arid wash of central Arizona (2012-2013)
Danielle Shorts, Arizona State University; Rebecca Hale, Idaho State University
Annual seasonality trends of Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Maricopa County, Arizona, 2001-2018
Fábio de Albuquerque, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus
Annual seasonality trends of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Maricopa County, Arizona, 2001-2018
Fábio de Albuquerque, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus
Remotely-sensed Land Surface Temperature (LST) for the central Arizona region during summer months over five-year periods: 1985-2015
Michelle Stuhlmacher, Arizona State University; Lance Watkins, Arizona State University
Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) derived from 2017 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) data for the central Arizona region
Michelle Stuhlmacher, Arizona State University
Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) derived from 2015 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) data for the central Arizona region
Michelle Stuhlmacher, Arizona State University
Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) derived from 2013 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) data for the central Arizona region
Michelle Stuhlmacher, Arizona State University
Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) derived from 2010 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) data for the central Arizona region
Michelle Stuhlmacher, Arizona State University
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) derived from 2017 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) data for the central Arizona region
Michelle Stuhlmacher, Arizona State University
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) derived from 2015 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) data for the central Arizona region
Michelle Stuhlmacher, Arizona State University
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) derived from 2013 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) data for the central Arizona region
Michelle Stuhlmacher, Arizona State University; Lance Watkins, Arizona State University
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) derived from 2010 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) data for the central Arizona region
Michelle Stuhlmacher, Arizona State University; Lance Watkins, Arizona State University
Numerical summaries of vegetation indices and land surface temperature derived from remotely sensed imagery in Phoenix Area Social Survey (PASS) neighborhoods of central Arizona
Michelle Stuhlmacher, Arizona State University; Lance Watkins, Arizona State University
Phoenix Area Social Survey (PASS): 2017
Kelli Larson, Arizona State University; Abigail York, Arizona State University; Riley Andrade, Arizona State University; Sally Wittlinger, Arizona State University
Urban heat island conditions experienced by the Western black widow spider (Latrodectus hesperus): extreme heat slows development but results in behavioral accommodations
J Johnson, Arizona State University, West campus; Dale Stevens, Arizona State University; Claire Moen, Arizona State University; Javier Urcuyo, Arizona State University
Social and Heat Vulnerability Indices in Phoenix, Arizona
Mary Wright, Arizona State University; Lance Watkins, Arizona State University; David Hondula, Arizona State University; Liza Kurtz, Arizona State University; Paul Chakalian, Arizona State University; Sharon Harlan, Northeastern University; Juan Declet-Barreto, Union of Concerned Scientists
Ecohydrological monitoring of urban ecological infrastructure at the Arizona State University Tempe Campus (Tempe, Arizona)
Christopher Sanchez, Arizona State University
Flashiness of urban and desert streams in arid Arizona watersheds (2003-2016)
Lauren McPhillips, The Pennsylvania State University; Stevan Earl, Arizona State University; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Rebecca Hale, Idaho State University; Matthew Herndon, NA
Climactic data derived from remotely sensed, daily weather parameters (NASA DAYMET): Maricopa County, AZ (2000-2016)
Cameron Boehme, Arizona State University; Chelsea Stratton, Arizona State University; Fabio de Albuquerque, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus
Bioclimatic predictors in Maricopa County, Arizona derived from remotely sensed, daily weather parameters (NASA DAYMET): 2000-2016
Cameron Boehme, Arizona State University; Chelsea Stratton, Arizona State University; Fabio de Albuquerque, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus
Trace Metal Content of Community Garden Soils in Metro Phoenix, AZ
Caitlin Holmes, Arizona State University; Sharon Hall, Arizona State University
Impacts of urbanization and nutrient fertilization on mass loss and nutrient dynamics during photodegradation of plant litter
Becky Ball, Arizona State University, West campus
Desert Fertilization Experiment: soil pH in study plots within desert preserves in and around the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, 2010 and 2011
Jonathan Allen, Allen Analytics LLC; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Sharon Hall, Arizona State University; Jason Kaye, Penn State
Desert Fertilization Experiment: ecosystem response to nutrient enrichment across an urban airshed in the Sonoran desert
Jonathan Allen, Allen Analytics LLC; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Sharon Hall, Arizona State University; Jason Kaye, Penn State
Desert Fertilization Experiment: inventory and biovolume of perennial plants in study plots within desert preserves in and around the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, spring 2012
Jonathan Allen, Allen Analytics LLC; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Sharon Hall, Arizona State University; Jason Kaye, Penn State
Desert Fertilization Experiment: composition of annual plants in study plots within desert preserves in and around the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, spring 2008
Jonathan Allen, Allen Analytics LLC; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Sharon Hall, Arizona State University; Jason Kaye, Penn State
Impact of urbanization on small rodent abundance and community composition
Becky Ball, Arizona State University, West campus
Ecological Survey of Central Arizona: a survey of key ecological indicators in parcels of residential areas in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, ongoing since 2010
Dan Childers, Arizona State University; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Sharon Hall, Arizona State University
Ecological Survey of Central Arizona: a survey of key ecological indicators in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area and surrounding Sonoran desert, ongoing since 1999
Dan Childers, Arizona State University; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Diane Hope, Arizona State University; Jason Kaye, Penn State; Chris Martin, Arizona State University; Nancy McIntyre, Texas Tech University; Jean Stutz, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus
Rephotography along the Salt and Gila Rivers in Maricopa County, AZ between Granite Reef Dam and Gillespie Dam (1895-1999)
William Graf, Arizona State University
Land cover classification of the CAP LTER study area at five-year intervals from 1985 to 2010 using Landsat imagery
Yujia Zhang, Arizona State University; Xiaoxiao Li, Arizona State University
Long-term monitoring of micrometeorological conditions at the CAP LTER flux tower located in the west Phoenix, AZ neighborhood of Maryvale, ongoing since 2010
Winston Chow, National University of Singapore; Dan Childers, Arizona State University
Evaluating water and energy fluxes across three distinct land cover types in a desert urban environment
Nicole Templeton, Arizona State University
Individually experienced temperatures: a heat exposure study in five greater Phoenix, AZ area neighborhoods (2014)
Evan Kuras, Arizona State University; Mary Munoz, Arizona State University; Summer Betzel, Arizona State University; Christopher Dastan, Arizona State University; Jason Eneboe, Arizona State University; Miranda Kaml, Arizona State University; Lauren Rohan-Kohl, Arizona State University; Mara Sevig, Arizona State University; Marianna Singh, Arizona State University; David Hondula, Arizona State University
Phoenix Area Social Survey: 2006 and 2011 Joined Dataset
Kelli Larson, Arizona State University; Marcia Nation, Arizona State University; Jessica Hoffman, Arizona State University; Sharon Harlan, Northeastern University
Heat Death Associations with the built environment, social vulnerability and their interactions with rising temperature
David Eisneman, School of Public Health, University of California Los Angeles; Mikhail Chester, Arizona State University
Household accessibility to heat refuges: Residential air conditioning, public cooled space, and walkability
Andrew Fraser, Arizona State University; Mikhail Chester, Arizona State University
Long-term monitoring of ground-dwelling arthropods in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve, Scottsdale, Arizona, ongoing since 2012
Stevan Earl, Arizona State University; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Dan Childers, Arizona State University
Point-count bird censusing: bird abundance and diversity in CAP LTER Phoenix Area Social Survey neighborhoods throughout the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, 2006-2016
Paige Warren, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Susannah Lerman, USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station; Dan Childers, Arizona State University
Point-count bird censusing: long-term monitoring of bird abundance and diversity along the Salt River in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, ongoing since 2013
Heather Bateman, Arizona State University; Paige Warren, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Homeowner Associations as a vehicle for promoting native urban biodiversity
Susannah Lerman, USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station
Linking foraging decisions to residential yard bird composition
Susannah Lerman, USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station
The conservation value of residential yards: Linking birds and people
Susannah Lerman, USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station
Vegetation surveys at CAP LTER ripirain-area bird-monitoring locations in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area (2013)
Heather Bateman, Arizona State University; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University
CAP LTER weather stations at Papago Park and Lost Dutchman State Park in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, ongoing since 2010
Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Sharon Hall, Arizona State University; Jason Kaye, Penn State; Jonathan Allen, Allen Analytics LLC; Dan Childers, Arizona State University
Ecological legacies of prehistoric agricultural practices in arid and semi-arid ecosystems of the southwestern US
Sharon Hall, Arizona State University
Phoenix Area Social Survey (PASS): 2001
Sharon Harlan, Northeastern University; Robert Bolin, Arizona State University; Edward Hackett, Arizona State University; Diane Hope, Arizona State University; Andrew Kirby, Arizona State University; Larissa Larsen, University of Michigan; Amy Nelson, Arizona State University; K. David Pijawka, Arizona State University; Tom Rex, Arizona State University; Shaphard Wolf, Arizona State University
Long-term monitoring and research of the ecology of the Tres Rios constructed treatment wetland, Phoenix, AZ, ongoing since 2011
Dan Childers, Arizona State University; Dax Mackay, Arizona State University
Desert Fertilization Experiment: investigation of Sonoran desert ecosystem response to atmospheric deposition and experimental nutrient addition, ongoing since 2006
Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Sharon Hall, Arizona State University; Jason Kaye, Penn State; Jonathan Allen, Allen Analytics LLC
Phoenix Area Social Survey (PASS): 2011
Sharon Harlan, Northeastern University; Rimjhim Aggarwal, Arizona State University; Dan Childers, Arizona State University; Juan Declet-Barreto, Union of Concerned Scientists; Stevan Earl, Arizona State University; Kelli Larson, Arizona State University; Marcia Nation, Arizona State University; Darren Ruddell, University of Southern California; Kerry Smith, Arizona State University; Paige Warren, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Amber Wutich, Arizona State University; Abigail York, Arizona State University
Water-quality monitoring in Tempe Town Lake, Tempe, AZ, ongoing since 2005
Hilairy Hartnett, Arizona State University
Long-term monitoring of herpetofauna along the Salt and Gila Rivers in and near the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, ongoing since 2012
Heather Bateman, Arizona State University; Dan Childers, Arizona State University
Bird surveys along the Salt River in and near the greater Phoenix metropolitan area: 2012-2013
(2012-03-11 to 2013-10-25) Heather Bateman, Arizona State University
Ecological Homogenization of Urban America
Peter Groffman, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies; J. Morgan Grove, USDA Forest Service; Jarlath O’Neill-Dunne, University of Vermont; Laura Ogden, Dartmouth College; James Heffernan, Duke University; Sharon Hall, Arizona State University; Kelli Larson, Arizona State University; Sarah Hobbie, University of Minnesota; Jeanine Cavender-Bares, University of Minnesota; Kristin Nelson, University of Minnesota; Diane Pataki, University of Utah; Colin Polsky, Florida Atlantic University; R. Roy Chowdhury, Cl
Long-term monitoring of stormwater runoff and water quality in urbanized watersheds of the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, ongoing since 2008
Dan Childers, Arizona State University; Stevan Earl, Arizona State University; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Rebecca Hale, Idaho State University; Laura Turnbull, Durham University, Science Laboratories
CAP LTER land cover classification using 2010 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) Imagery
(2010-06-07 to 2010-09-10) Xiaoxiao Li
Biogeochemical cycling in xeric yards
(2014-05-01 to 2015-03-01) Hannah Heavenrich
MODIS/ASTER (MASTER) imagery and derived data in select neighborhoods of the greater Phoenix metropolitan area
William Stefanov, NA; Alex Buyantuyev, NA; Sharon Harlan, NA; Darrel Jenerette, NA
Land use and land cover (LULC) classification of the CAP LTER study area using 2010 Landsat imagery
(2014-05-25 to 2014-05-25) Xiaoxiao Li
How surface rock cover affects water and nutrient availability of Sonoran Desert annual plants -- Honors Thesis
(2007-10-01 to 2013-03-31) Julea Shaw
Regional drinking water quality monitoring program: long-term monitoring of water quality in select canals, reservoirs, and treatment plants of the greater Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan area drinking water system, ongoing since 1998
Peter Fox, Arizona State University; Morteza Abbaszadegan, Arizona State University
Food availability, energetic constraints, and reproductive development in a wild bird: Central Arizona Phoenix
(2014-05-01 to 2009-06-01) Scott Davies
Investigating the influence of food on reproductive physiology: urbanization as a natural experiment
(2009-06-01 to 2014-05-01) Scott Davies
Water chemistry in Sycamore Creek, Phoenix Arizona, 2010 to 2013
(2010-04-10 to 2014-06-20) Nancy Grimm, School of Life Sciences; John Sabo, School of Life Sciences; Lindsey Pollard, School of Life Sciences
Wetland abundance and distribution changes in Sycamore Creek, Arizona, USA (2014-2019)
Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; John Sabo, Arizona State University; Sophia Bonjour, Arizona State University; Xiaoli Dong, University of California, Davis; Amalia Handler, USEPA National Health and Environmental Effects; Kathrine Kemmitt, Wenck; Marina Lauck, Arizona State University; Monica Palta, Pace University; Lindsey Pollard, Arizona State University
Long-term measurements of algal biomass in Sycamore Creek, Arizona, USA (2011-2019)
(1985-01-01 to 1988-08-011991-01-01 to 1994-08-012010-01-01 to 2013-08-01) Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; John Sabo, Arizona State University; Sophia Bonjour, Arizona State University; Xiaoli Dong, University of California, Davis; Amalia Handler, USEPA National Health and Environmental Effects; Kathrine Kemmitt, Wenck; Marina Lauck, Arizona State University; Monica Palta, Pace University; Lindsey Pollard, Arizona State University
Eddy covariance data measured at the the CAP LTER flux tower located in the west Phoenix, AZ neighborhood of Maryvale from 2011-12-16 through 2012-12-31
(2011-12-16 to 2012-12-31) Winston Chow, National University of Singapore
Algal Nutrient Limitation Bioassays in Sycamore Creek, Arizona, USA (2010-2020)
Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; John Sabo, Arizona State University; Sophia Bonjour, Arizona State University; Xiaoli Dong, University of California, Davis; Amalia Handler, USEPA National Health and Environmental Effects; Katherine Kemmitt, Wenck; Marina Lauck, Arizona State University; Monica Palta, Pace University; Lindsey Pollard, Arizona State University
Satellite-derived estimate of artificial lakes in the Phoenix, Arizona, USA Metropolitan area (2000)
(2000-09-19 to 2000-04-19) Elisabeth Larson, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Community gardening in disadvantaged neighborhoods in Phoenix, Arizona, March 2010: Aligning programs with perceptions
(2010-03-13 to 2010-03-13) Thomas Bleasdale, School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Land-Use by Parcel in early Central Phoenix, 1900-1963
(1963-01-01 to 1900-01-011900-01-01) Joseph Tuccillo
Historical Census Data by Blocks for early Central Phoenix, 1920-1940
(1940-01-01 to 1920-01-011920-01-01) Joseph Tuccillo
Land-Use and Zoning Change in Phoenix’s Boom and Bust, 2002-2012
(2012-01-01 to 2002-01-012002-01-01) Joseph Tuccillo
Historical Zoning in Phoenix, 1930-1970, Central Arizona Phoenix.
(1970-01-01 to 1930-01-011930-01-01) Joseph Tuccillo
Urban Land-Use in Phoenix years 1959 and 2012, Central Arizona Phoenix.
(2012-01-01 to 1959-01-011959-01-01) Joseph Tuccillo
The role of moss as integrators of soil and stream nutrient status in deserts, Greater Phoenix area, Arizona, 2011 to 2013
(2011-08-01 to 2013-03-31) Becky Ball, Arizona State University, West campus
Ordinary Kriging Precipitation Time Series for surrounding CAPLTER areas, 1999 to 2011
(1999-10-01 to 2011-09-30) Jeff Gray, CAPLTER; Flood Control District of Maricopa County
Herpetofauna and Riparian Microhabitat of Urban and Wildland Reaches Along the Salt River, Arizona
(2010-06-01 to 2010-08-30) Melanie Banville, Department of Applied Sciences and Mathematics; Heather Bateman, Department of Applied Sciences and Mathematics
Physiological consequences of urbanization to Sonoran Desert birds
(2006-01-12 to 2008-08-22) Bobby Fokidis, School of Life Sciences
Control of arthropod abundance, richness, and composition in the central Arizona-Phoenix metropolitan area
(2006-12-31 to 2008-05-31) Christofer Bang, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
A budget and spatial representation of Phosphorus in the central Arizona-Phoenix area
(2000-01-01 to 2010-12-31) Genevieve S. Metson, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Rebecca L. Hale, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; David M. Iwaniec, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Elizabeth M. Cook, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Jessica R. Corman, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Christopher S. Galletti, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, Arizona State University; Daniel L. Childers, Global Institute
Study area of the Central Arizona-Phoenix Long Term Ecological Research (CAP LTER) project initiated in 1997
(1997 to 2011) Central Arizona Phoenix Long Term Ecological Research Project
Water surface elevations of the base flood for the central Arizona Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM)
(2005) Maricopa County Flood Control District
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity and functioning in urban desert preserves and surrounding deserts in the central Arizona
(2008-01-01 to 2008-02-28) Jean Stutz, Arizona State University East; Aura Ontiveros, Arizona State University
Hierarchical regulation of nitrogen export from urban catchments in central Arizona-Phoenix
(1991-01-01 to 2005-03-01) David Lewis, Arizona State University; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University
Phoenix Area Social Survey (PASS): 2006
Sharon Harlan, Northeastern University; Carol Atkinson-Palombo, Arizona State University; Megha Budruk, Arizona State University; Patricia Gober, Arizona State University; Edward Hackett, Brandeis University; Larissa Larsen, University of Michigan; Kelli Larson, Arizona State University; Darren Ruddell, University of Southern California; Kerry Smith, Arizona State University; Paige Warren, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Dave White, Arizona State University; Amber Wutich, Arizona State University; Sc
Ecophysiological and behavioral adaptations of birds to rapid urbanization of a desert environment in central Arizona-Phoenix, from 2006 to 2008.
(2006-01-18 to 2008-08-22) Pierre Deviche, Arizona State University; Bobby Fokidis, Arizona State University
Urban heat island: temperature climate trends in central Arizona-Phoenix: period 1948 to 2007
(1948-01-01 to 2007-12-31) Anthony Brazel, Arizona State University
Environmental fate of combustion-derived organic compounds in arid, urban soils in central Arizona-Phoenix
(2008-06-01 to 2009-06-01) Sharon Hall, Arizona State University; Yevgeniy Marusenko, ASU
Institutional drivers of urban growth in the central Arizona-Phoenix area
(2008-05-01 to 2009-06-01) Abby York, Arizona State University; Shannon Conley, Arizona State University
End of the first growth period in central Arizona-Phoenix 2001-2002 (Day of Year)
(2001-01-01 to 2002-12-31) Alexander Buyantuyev, Global Institute of Sustainability
Geospatial Analysis of Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Runways Noise, 1999, 2004, and 2015
(1999-01-01 to 2015-12-31) Arizona State University
Land cover classification of the Central Arizona-Phoenix area using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data - year 1995
(1995) Matthias Moeller, Arizona State University
Land cover classification of the Central Arizona-Phoenix area using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data - year 1991
(1991) Matthias Moeller, Arizona State University
Land cover classification of the Central Arizona-Phoenix area using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data - year 1985
(1985) Matthias Moeller, Arizona State University
Land cover classification using Landsat (MSS) data for the Central Arizona-Phoenix area - year 1979
(1979) Matthias Moeller, Arizona State University
Riparian Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling: Influences of Spatial Heterogeneity and Hydrologic Vectors
(2001-01-01 to 2007-12-31) Tamara Harms; Nancy Grimm, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
Effects of land cover and water availability on brittlebush (Encelia farinosa) flowering phenology and its pollinator community.
Kaesha Neil, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Juanguo Wu, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
Point Count Bird Censusing Data Subset for Paper 'EFFECTS OF LAND USE AND VEGETATION COVER ON BIRD COMMUNITIES' Walker et. al
(2003-01-01 to 2003-12-31) Jason Walker; Eyal Shochat; Madhusudan Katti; Paige Warren
Atmospheric deposition sampling across an urban gradient, using passive resin collectors
Daniel Gonzales, Fulton School of Engineering, Arizona State University; Jonathan Allen, Fulton School of Engineering, Arizona State University
Water quality at Sycamore Creek research site, central Arizona 1977-1999
(1977-03-05 to 1999-05-27) Nancy Grimm; Stuart Fisher
Discharge data from USGS gage near Sycamore Creek research site
(1960-10-01 to 2008-03-21) US Geologic Survey (USGS)
Climate data for stations near Sycamore Creek research site
(1948-07-01 to 2008-02-29) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Tree health analysis in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area
(2006-01-05 to 2008-02-28) Jean Stutz
Urban Raptor Nest Study
(1994-01-01 to 2006-06-30) Philip Tarrant, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University
Mycorrhizal diversity and effects on brittlebush in a Sonoran desert urban ecosystem
(2004-01-01 to 2005-12-31) Robert Bills, Urban Horticulture Program, Arizona State University; Jean Stutz
Data for modelling spatial patterns and determinants of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in Phoenix metro area
(2000-01-16) Elizabeth Wentz; Patricia Gober; Robert Balling; Thomas Day
Mycorrhizae in an experimental urban landscaped site in central Arizona-Phoenix
(2000-01-01 to 2003-12-31) Sean Whitcomb; Jean Stutz
Effects of surface mulches on abiotic properties of drip-irrigated xeric landscapes in central Arizona-Phoenix
(2003-01-01 to 2005-12-31) Catherine Singer, Urban Horticulture Program, Arizona State University; Chris Martin
Soil N2O and NO emissions from an arid, urban ecosystem in central Arizona-Phoenix
(2003-03-16 to 2006-06-23) Nancy Grimm, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Sharon Hall, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
Spectrally unmixed percent of impervious surface, soil, and vegetation cover in central Arizona-Phoenix, year 2000
(2000-04-19) Soe Myint, Global Institute of Sustainability
Land cover classification of central Arizona-Phoenix using Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) data, year 2005
(2005-03-08) Alexander Buyantuyev
Urban forest classification of the central Arizona-Phoenix area from a Landiscor image, year 1997
(1997-04-01) Jason Walker, School of Life Sciences
Macroinvertebrate collections following floods in Sycamore Creek, Arizona, USA 1985-1999
(1985-02-27 to 1999-06-17) Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Stuart Fisher, Arizona State University
Land cover classification using Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) data - year 2000
(2000-04-19) Matthias Moeller, Arizona State University
NDVI (Normalized difference vegetation index) image of central Arizona-Phoenix from a 2005 Landsat Thematic Mapper image
(2005-03-08) Alexander Buyantuyev, Global Institute of Sustainability
SAVI (Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index) image of central Arizona-Phoenix from a 2005 Landsat Thematic Mapper image
(2005-03-08) Alexander Buyantuyev, Global Institute of Sustainability
Land use map of Maricopa County, central Arizona: period 1995 and 2000
(1995-01-01) Maricopa Association of Governments
Monthly maximum air temperature in April (6 year mean) for the central Arizona-Phoenix area, 2000-2005
(2000-01-01 to 2005-12-31) Alexander Buyantuyev, Global Institute of Sustainability
Precipitation analysis of the central Arizona-Phoenix area from 2000 to 2005
(2000-01-01 to 2005-12-31) Alexander Buyantuyev, Global Institute of Sustainability
Three year average ozone concentrations within the central Arizona-Phoenix area, period 2003 to 2005
(2003-01-01 to 2005-12-31) Alexander Buyantuyev, Global Institute of Sustainability
Inorganic nutrient dynamics in the lower Indian Bend Wash watershed: period 2002-2003
(1935-01-01 to 2003-01-01) John Roach, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Nancy Grimm; Alexander Buyantuyev, Global Institute of Sustainability
Assessing biodiversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: sample sites
(2005-08-30) Jean Stutz; Alexander Buyantuyev, Global Institute of Sustainability
Land cover classification of the central Arizona-Phoenix area using Landsat (MSS) data - year 1973
(1973-05-05) Matthias Moeller
Plant survey of current vegetation of Sonoran desert plant community distribution in mountain parks in central Arizona-Phoenix, August 1999.
(1999-08-01) Arthur Stiles, School of Life Sciences
Atmospheric particle deposition on mesquite leaves in the central Arizona-Phoenix area
Dana Perry, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Arizona State University
Ecological Survey of Central Arizona: soil chemistry and soil properties in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area and surrounding Sonoran desert, survey year 2000
Dan Childers, Arizona State University; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Diane Hope, Arizona State University; Jason Kaye, Penn State; Weixing Zhu, Arizona State University
Survey 200 long term study of multiple sites in central Arizona-Phoenix: shrubs
(1999-02-01 to 2006-06-30) Diane Hope, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Corinna Gries, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Chris Martin, NA
Survey 200 long term study of multiple sites in central Arizona-Phoenix: decomposition, mycorrhizae, and on-site climate - survey year 2000
(1999-02-01 to 2010-06-21) Nancy Grimm, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Diane Hope, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Corinna Gries, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Chris Martin, NA; Elizabeth Burns, School of Geographical Sciences, Arizona State University
Survey 200 long term study of multiple sites in central Arizona-Phoenix: pollen
Glenn Stuart, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University; Diane Hope, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Cynthia Grace Diaz, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University
Survey 200 long term study of multiple sites in central Arizona-Phoenix: human activity related measurements
(1999-02-01 to 2006-06-30) Nancy Grimm, NA; Diane Hope, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Corinna Gries, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Chris Martin, NA; Elizabeth Burns, School of Geographical Sciences, Arizona State University
Survey 200 long term study of multiple sites in central Arizona-Phoenix: neighborhood characteristics
(1999-02-01 to 2006-06-30) Amy Nelson, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Nancy Grimm, NA; Diane Hope, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Corinna Gries, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Chris Martin, NA
Survey 200 long term study of multiple sites in central Arizona-Phoenix: landuse
(1999-02-01 to 2006-06-30) Diane Hope, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Corinna Gries, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Jana Hutchins, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University
Survey 200 long term study of multiple sites in central Arizona-Phoenix: arthropod sweepnet samples
(1999-02-01 to 2005-06-30) Nancy McIntyre, Texas Tech University
Survey 200 - Periodic survey of multiple sites in central Arizona-Phoenix: Annuals
(1999-02-01 to 2006-06-30) Diane Hope, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Corinna Gries, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Chris Martin, NA
ADEQ (Arizona Department of Water Quality) database on well water chemistry and discharge for the Phoenix area, locations of the wells.
(1901-01-01 to 1994-08-24) Department of Environmental Quality
Dissolved organic carbon dynamics in an urban desert stream ecosystem in central Arizona-Phoenix
(2000-02-04 to 2001-12-17) Jennifer Edmonds, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University
Dissolved organic carbon dynamics in an urban desert stream ecosystem in central Arizona-Phoenix: site locations
(2001-01-01) Jennifer Edmonds, Arizona State University; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University
Ecological and social interactions in urban parks in central Arizona-Phoenix: site locations
(2000-12-01 to 2002-11-14) Ann Kinzig, Arizona State University; Chris Martin, Arizona State University; Louis Machabee, Arizona State University; Paige Warren, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Ecological and social Interactions in urban parks: bird surveys in local parks in the central Arizona-Phoenix metropolitan area
(2000-12-01 to 2002-11-14) Paige Warren, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Ann Kinzig, Arizona State University; Chris Martin, Arizona State University; Louis Machabee, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University
Longterm monitoring of primary productivity of trees
(2001-11-01 to 2008-01-30) Linda Stabler, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Chris Martin, Arizona State University; Robert Bills, School of Live Sciences, Arizona State University; Sarah Celestian, School of Live Sciences, Arizona State University; Catherine Singer, Department of Urban Horticulture, Arizona State University East; Stevan Earl, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University
Longterm monitoring of primary productivity of trees: Sites
(2001-11-01 to 2005-04-14) Linda Stabler, Arizona State University; Chris Martin, Arizona State University; Robert Bills, Arizona State University; Sarah Celestian, Arizona State University; Catherine Singer, Arizona State University East
Land cover classification using ASTER data - year 2000
(2000-09-19) Jayme Harris; Will Stephanov
Landuse classification map for the Central Arizona-Phoenix area for the year 2000
(2000-07-01) Charles Redman, >Global Institute of Sustainability; Jana Hutchins, Arizona State University; Radha Kunda, Arizona State University
Microclimate measurement, HOBO stations at permanent plots, sites
(2001-01-26 to 2005-01-01) Chris Martin, Arizona State University; Diane Hope, Arizona State University; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Anthony Brazel, Department of Geography, Arizona State University
Microclimate measurement, HOBO stations at permanent plots
(2001-01-26 to 2005-01-01) Chris Martin, Arizona State University; Diane Hope, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Anthony Brazel, School of Geographical Sciences, Arizona State University
Arizona Meterological Network (azmet) location of weather stations
(1986-01-01 to 2005-03-06) Arizona Meteorological Network
SAVI (Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index) Image of 1980 Landsat MSS Image
(1980-06-01) Central Arizona - Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Site; William Stefanov, Department of Geological Sciences, Arizona State University; Geological Remote Sensing Laboratory
NDVI (Normalized difference vegetation index) Image of 1980 Landsat MSS Image
(1980-06-01) Central Arizona - Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Site; William Stefanov, Department of Geological Sciences, Arizona State University; Geological Remote Sensing Laboratory
SAVI (Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index) Image of 1975 Landsat MSS Image
(1975-06-04) Central Arizona - Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Site; William Stefanov, Department of Geological Sciences, Arizona State University; Geological Remote Sensing Laboratory
NDVI (Normalized difference vegetation index) Image of 1975 Landsat MSS Image
(1975-06-04) Central Arizona - Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Site; William Stefanov, Department of Geological Sciences, Arizona State University; Geological Remote Sensing Laboratory
Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) image of 2000 Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) image
(2000-05-21) Central Arizona - Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Site; William Stefanov, Department of Geological Sciences, Arizona State University; Geological Remote Sensing Laboratory
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NVDI) image of 2000 Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper image
(2000-05-21) Central Arizona - Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Site; William Stefanov, Department of Geological Sciences, Arizona State University; Geological Remote Sensing Laboratory
Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index, (M)SAVI image of 2003 ASTER image
(2003-03-20) Central Arizona - Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Site; Matthias Moeller, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University
Historical Land Use Database: Landuse at one square mile around the survey 200 plots 2000
(2000-01-01 to 2000-12-31) Jana Hutchins, Arizona State University; Charles Redman, Arizona State University; C. Smith, Arizona State University
Historical Land Use Database: Landuse at one square mile around the survey 200 plots 1990
(1990-01-01 to 1990-12-31) Jana Hutchins, Arizona State University; Charles Redman, Arizona State University; C. Smith, Arizona State University
Historical Land Use Database: Landuse at one square mile around the survey 200 plots 1980
(1980-01-01 to 1980-12-31) Jana Hutchins, Arizona State University; Charles Redman, Arizona State University; C. Smith, Arizona State University
Spatial reference data for the Central Arizona-Phoenix area: change in elevation
(1954-01-01 to 1984-01-01) Alexander Buyantuyev, Arizona State University
Database of Geographic Information: Aspect 30_utm
(1954-01-01 to 1984-01-01) Alexander Buyantuyev, Arizona State University
Century-scale channel change in central Arizona-Phoenix: photographs of selected reaches of the Salt River in different years
(1890-01-01 to 1999-05-01) Martin Roberge, School of Georgraphical Sciences, Arizona State University; Niccole Cerveny, School of Georgraphical Sciences, Arizona State University; Will Graf, School of Georgraphical Sciences, Arizona State University
Landscape water use efficiency study: central Arizona-Phoenix, 2000-2003
(2000-02-01 to 2003-02-03) Linda Stabler, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Chris Martin, Arizona State University
Database of Geographic Information: Topographic Map of Central Arizona
(1954-01-01 to 1984-01-01) Alexander Buyantuyev, Arizona State University
Lichen Resurvey with Heavy Metal Analysis: Distribution of Praseodymium concentration in lichen tissue in Maricopa County
(1998-01-01 to 1998-12-31) Corinna Gries, Arizona State University; Toralf Zschau, Arizona State University
Residential completions in Maricopa County
(1990-04-01 to 2002-12-31) Rita Walton, Maricopa Association of Governments
False color Landsat image of the central Arizona-Phoenix metropolitan area, period 1993
(1993-01-01) National Aeronautic and Space Administration, Geology Remote Sensing Lab, ASU
Point count bird censusing - long term study in central Arizona-Phoenix: Study sites
(2003-11-07) Eyal Shochat, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; Madhusudan Katti, Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources; Paige Warren, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Effects of urban horticulture on insect pollinator community structure in the central Arizona-Phoenix area
(1999-04-11) Nancy McIntyre, Texas Tech University
Scorpions in urban environments in the Central Arizona-Phoenix area: site locations
(1996-01-01 to 1997-12-31) Nancy McIntyre, Texas Tech University
Plant survey of current vegetation: desert vegetation in the central Arizona-Phoenix area
(1998-01-01 to 2000-12-31) Arthur Stiles, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University - West; Kevin Fantozzi, Department of Life Sciences, Arizona State University - West; Samuel Scheiner, National Science Foundation; John Briggs, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
Urban storm runoff study conducted in the central Arizona-Phoenix area: study site locations
(1998-06-24 to 1998-07-01) Andy Chan; Diane Hope, Arizona State University; Markus Naegeli, Arizona State University; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University
Spatial-temporal change of climate in relation to urban fringe development in central Arizona-Phoenix: Study sites
(2001-07-09 to 2002-05-01) Anthony Brazel, Arizona State University; Brent Hedquist, Arizona State University
Hohokam canals as multi-use facilities: Pre-historic canal system in the central Arizona-Phoenix metropolitan area
Peter McCartney, Arizona State University; Ryan Arp
Database of Geographic Information: Hill shade, of the 1:250000 scale Digital Elevation Model of Arizona
(2000-01-01) USGS
Distribution of Ragweed Pollen across the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, central Arizona-Phoenix
(2002-01-01) Corinna Gries, Arizona State University; Diane Hope, Arizona State University; Glenn Stuart, Arizona State University
Effects of urban horticulture on insect pollinator community structure, central Arizona Phoenix: site locations
(1999-04-11) Nancy McIntyre, Texas Tech University
Vertebrate species composition of remnant desert islands within urban Phoenix: site locations.
(1998-01-14 to 1999-06-24) Robert Ohmart, Arizona State University; Kevin Clark, Arizona State University
Plant survey of current vegetation, central Arizona Phoenix: desert vegetation site locations.
(1998-01-01 to 2000-12-31) Arthur Stiles, Arizona State University - West; Kevin Fantozzi, Arizona State University - West; Samuel Scheiner, National Science Foundation
Longterm Water Monitoring, central Arizona-Phoenix: monitoring site locations
(1997-01-12 to 2003-12-31) Diane Hope, Arizona State University; Jennifer Edmonds, Arizona State University; Lawrence Baker, Baker Environmental Consulting, Inc.; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University
Century-scale channel changes for the Salt River, central Arizona-Phoenix.
(1999-01-01) Martin Roberge, Arizona State University; Niccole Cerveny, Arizona State University; Will Graf, Arizona State University
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix Region: high-technology employment clusters, 2000.
(2000-01-01) Tim Hogan, Center for Business Research
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix Region: prices of single family homes, (new and resale) 2001
(2001-01-01) Tim Hogan, Center for Business Research
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix Region: Estimated concentrations of ozone in the Greater Phoenix area, July 26, 1996.
(1996-07-26) ASU Enviromental Fluid Dynamics Program
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix Region: percentage of population admitted to hospitals and diagnosed with asthma for 1999
(1999-01-01) Arizona Department of Environmental Quality; Arizona Department of Health Services
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix Region: PM10 concentration in Greater Phoenix area
(2000-01-01) Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix Region: Particulate Matter (2.5) pollution contours
(2000-01-01) Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
Database of Geographic Information: Change in groundwater level, Central Arizona-Phoenix,1985-2000
(1985-01-01 to 2000-01-01) Arizona Department of Water Resources
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix Region: Areas of significant agricultural and residential groundwater use, 1996-2000
(1996-01-01 to 2000-01-01) Arizona Department of Water Resources
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix region, Arizona: Valley Metro bus routes, 2002
(2002-01-01) Valley Metro
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix region: future Light rail line
(2003-01-01) Valley Metro
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix region, Arizona: Valley Metro park and ride centers, 2001
(2001-01-01) Valley Metro
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix region, Arizona: Valley Metro transit centers, 2003
(2003-01-01) Valley Metro
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix region, Arizona: the ADOT regional freeway system certification map
(1960-01-01 to 2003-01-01) Arizona Department of Transportation
SAVI (Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index) Image of 1985 Landsat Thematic Mapper Image for the Central Arizona-Phoenix area
(1985-05-01) William Stefanov, Arizona State University; Geological Remote Sensing Laboratory
SAVI (Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index) Image of 1993 Landsat Thematic Mapper Image for the Central Arizona-Phoenix area
(1993-04-01) William Stefanov, Arizona State University; Geological Remote Sensing Laboratory
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix region, Arizona: trip reduction program
(2000-01-01) Maricopa Association of Governments
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix region, Arizona: population change, period 1980-2000
(1980-01-01 to 2000-01-01) US Census Bureau
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix region, Arizona: trip reduction program, 2000
(2000-01-01) Maricopa Association of Governments
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix region, Arizona: planned and existing master planned developments, 2000
(2000-01-01) Maricopa Association of Governments
SAVI (Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index) image of central Arizona-Phoenix from a 1990 Landsat Thematic Mapper image
(1990-05-01) William Stefanov, Arizona State University; Geological Remote Sensing Laboratory
NDVI (Normalized difference vegetation index) image of central Arizona-Phoenix from a 1985 Landsat Thematic Mapper image
(1985-05-01) William Stefanov, Arizona State University; Geological Remote Sensing Laboratory
NDVI (Normalized difference vegetation index) image of central Arizona-Phoenix from a 1993 Landsat Thematic Mapper image
(1993-04-01) William Stefanov, Arizona State University; Geological Remote Sensing Laboratory
NDVI (Normalized difference vegetation index) image of central Arizona-Phoenix from a 1998 Landsat Thematic Mapper image
(1998-06-01) William Stefanov, Arizona State University; Geological Remote Sensing Laboratory
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix region, Arizona: GP2100 study area
(2003-01-01) Center of Environmental Studies
Land use change in the central Arizona-Phoenix area 1912 to 1995
(1912-01-01 to 1995-01-01) CAP LTER
Land cover classification of Central Arizona-Phoenix using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data - year 1998
(1998-01-01) William Stefanov, Arizona State University; Jayme Harris
Land cover classification of the Central Arizona-Phoenix area using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data - year 1993
(1993-01-01) William Stefanov, Arizona State University; Geological Remote Sensing Laboratory
Land cover classification of the Central Arizona-Phoenix area using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data - year 1990
(1990-01-01) William Stefanov, Arizona State University; Geological Remote Sensing Laboratory
Land cover classification of Central Arizona-Phoenix using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data - year 1985
William Stefanov, Arizona State University; Jayme Harris
Analysis of nutrients and data synthesis, mass balance: central Arizona-Phoenix metropolitan area
(1995-01-01) Lawrence Baker, Baker Environmental Consulting, Inc.; Xu Ying, Arizona State University
Environmental risk and justice in central Arizona-Phoenix: locations of the facilities releasing toxic substances 1990 to 1995
(2003-01-01) Bob Bolin, Arizona State University; Emily Atwood, Arizona State University
Point-count bird censusing: long-term monitoring of bird abundance and diversity in central Arizona-Phoenix, ongoing since 2000
Paige Warren, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Susannah Lerman, USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station; Heather Bateman, Arizona State University; Madhusudan Katti, Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources; Eyal Shochat, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Scorpion stings in urban environments in the central Arizona-Phoenix area: 1996-1997
(1996-01-01 to 1997-12-31) Nancy McIntyre, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University
Vertebrate species composition of remnant desert islands within central Arizona-Phoenix urban areas: period 1998-1999
(1998-01-14 to 1999-06-24) Robert Ohmart, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Kevin Clark, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
Transect bird survey with data synthesis from multiple transects in the central Arizona-Phoenix area: period 1998 to 2000
(1998-02-14 to 2000-09-24) Robert Ohmart, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; David Pearson, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Mark Hostetler, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Madhusudan Katti, Department of Biology, M/S SB73; Thom Hulen, Desert Botanical Gardens
Long-term monitoring of ground-dwelling arthropods in central Arizona-Phoenix, ongoing since 1998
Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Dan Childers, Arizona State University
Water Use and flooding in central Arizona-Phoenix: comparison of water and carbon dioxide uptake by selected plant species among residential patch transition types, from 1998 to 1999.
(1998-09-01 to 1999-06-01) Linda Stabler, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Chris Martin, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Jo Blank, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Kathleen Peterson, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
Lichen resurvey with heavy metal analysis in Maricopa County, central Arizona, period 1998
(1998-01-01 to 1998-12-311978-01-01 to 1978-12-31) Toralf Zschau, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Angel Zambrano, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Corinna Gries, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Thomas Nash, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
Urban storm runoff study conducted in the central Arizona-Phoenix area: period June 1998
(1998-06-24 to 1998-07-01) Andy Chan; Diane Hope, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Markus Naegeli, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University
Long-term monitoring of surface water in central Arizona-Phoenix: period 1997 to 2008
(1997-01-12 to 2008-12-31) Diane Hope, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Jennifer Edmonds, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Lawrence Baker, Baker Environmental Consulting, Inc.; Nancy Grimm, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
Land use effects on temperature and humidity along an urban-rural transect gradient in central Arizona-Phoenix, 1999
(1999-03-14 to 2000-01-07) Linda Stabler, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Chris Martin, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Jo Blank, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University; Kathleen Peterson, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
Land use effects on temperature and humidity along an urban-rural transect gradient in central Arizona-Phoenix
(2001-07-02 to 2001-11-30) Anthony Brazel, Department of Geography, Arizona State University; Brent Hedquist, Department of Geography, Arizona State University
Spatial-temporal change of climate in relation to urban fringe development in central Arizona-Phoenix
(2001-08-18 to 2002-05-01) Anthony Brazel, Department of Geography, Arizona State University; Brent Hedquist, Department of Geography, Arizona State University
Ecology Explorers educational data: vegetation data from multiple school locations in the central Arizona-Phoenix area
(1998-11-12 to 2003-12-31) Ecology Explorers Program
Ecology Explorers educational data: bruchid data from multiple school locations in the central Arizona-Phoenix area
(1998-11-12 to 2003-12-31) Ecology Explorers Program
Ecology Explorers educational data: bird data from multiple school locations in the central Arizona-Phoenix area
(1998-11-12 to 2008-12-31) Ecology Explorers Program
Ecology Explorers educational data: arthropod data from multiple school locations in the central Arizona-Phoenix area
(1998-11-12 to 2008-12-31) NA NA, Central Arizona - Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Site; NA NA, Ecology Explorers Program
Land use effects on temperature and humidity along an urban-rural transect gradient in central Arizona-Phoenix: site locations
(2001-07-02 to 2001-11-30) Central Arizona - Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Site; Anthony Brazel, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Brent Hedquist, School of Geographical Sciences, Arizona State University
Digital Elevation Model (AZ 250,000:1)
(1998-01-01) USGS
Digital Elevation Model (AZ 7.5 - Minute)
United States Geological Survey
Native American reservation boundaries for the communities in the state of Arizona.
(2001-01-01) Arizona Land Resource Information System (ALRIS)
Change in percent of hispanic population from 1980 - 2000
(1998-01-01 to 2000-01-01) US Census Bureau
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix Region: General Age of Adults (21 to 74 Years), 2000
(2000-01-01) US Census Bureau
Long-term monitoring of atmospheric deposition in central Arizona-Phoenix: period 1999 to present
(1999-05-20 to 2016-08-16) Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University; Stevan Earl, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, CAPLTER; James Anderson, Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering, Arizona State University; H Fernando, Arizona State University; Susanne Grossman-Clarke, ASU Global Institute of Sustainability; William Stefanov, Arizona State University; Diane Hope, Arizona State University; Joseph Zehnder, Arizona State University; Peter Hyde, NA
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix region, Arizona: housing affordability, 2000
(2000-01-01) Arizona State University
Regional E-Atlas of the Greater Phoenix Region: Population analysis of the Hispanic population within the greater Phoenix area population for 2000.
(2000-01-01) US Census Bureau
Landuse classification of central Arizona-Phoenix 1912 to 1995
(1912 to 1995) Central Arizona - Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Site; Cherie Moritz, NA; Jana Hutchins, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University; Kimberly Knowles-Yanez, Arizona State University; Matt Bucchin, Arizona State University; Peter McCartney, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University; Charles Redman, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University
Displaying all 241 datasets