
Tampa, Florida: Strawberry Advisory System

City: Tampa
Country / US State / US Territory: Florida
Type of Solution: Agriculture
Climate Impact: Invasive Species and Pests
Social Value Created: Food Security and Nutrition; Living Wages
Cost: N/A
Financing: N/A

Fungus is common in Florida’s humid climate that will rot strawberries, and may become a larger problem in the future. To avoid rot, farmers overspray strawberries, costing them time and money. Additionally, the fungus may develop a resistance to the fungicide if the chemicals are sprayed too frequently. A system was developed to monitor temperature, leaf wetness, humidity and local weather to alert farmers when they should be spraying fungicide.

Improving crop yields and reducing fungicide use reduces operational costs, helping to ensure living wages for farmers. Improving crop yields also supports food security and nutrition, and reducing fungicide use reduces the environmental impact of agricultural practices. Additionally, customers have started to demand more natural strawberries, and reducing chemical use helps to meet customer expectations.

Freeman, J. (October 10, 2014). Strawberry growers reap profits with less spray, more science. NOAA Climate.gov. Retrieved from https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-case-studies/strawberry-growers-reap-profits-less-spray-more-science.

U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit. (January 17, 2017). Alert system helps strawberry growers reduce costs. Retrieved from https://toolkit.climate.gov/case-studies/alert-system-helps-strawberry-growers-reduce-costs.

Tampa, Florida: Mixed Use Space Green Infrastructure

City: Tampa
Country / US State / US Territory: Florida
Type of Solution: Buildings and Housing
Climate Impact: N/A
Social Value Created: Public safety; public health; benefits vulnerable communities (including low-income and elderly populations); education; arts and culture; redevelopment
Cost: $2 billion
Financing: $28 million stimulus grant

A unique mixed-use redevelopment in Tampa Florida. The development includes a combination of multifamily housing, senior housing, retail, and office space that meets the criteria for the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification. All of the housing is also classified as “affordable” housing. Previously, the space was a public housing development that was isolated from the broader community. The new development will increase community connectivity.

Green infrastructure is a major feature of the new development, helping to manage stormwater. A 33,000 cubic foot water-retention vault is being installed 12 feet underground. The vault is a very unique stormwater management system, collecting and treating water using nutrient separating baffle boxes and sediment chambers to remove pollutants from the water. Then, the water is stored and used for irrigation on-site. Any water exceeding the vault’s capacity is treated and released to Tampa Bay.

The site also includes permeable pavers and native plants, increasing groundwater infiltration of stormwater and reducing water demands landscaping. Additionally, there is a 16,000 square foot Technology Park above the stormwater vault that includes educational kiosks, solar public art, and the district chiller.

Burgess, K. et al. (2017). Harvesting the value of water: stormwater, green infrastructure, and real estate. Washington, D.C.: Urban Land Institute, 2017. Retrieved from https://developingresilience.uli.org/case/the-avenue/.

Langlie, K. (August 19, 2016). Health, green affordable housing in downtown Tampa celebrates Earth Day. Retrieved from http://www.83degreesmedia.com/features/encoretampa04916.aspx.